
n.bogey.牛津中文字典·bugaboo·查看更多.,BUGABOOmeaning:somethingthatmakespeopleveryworriedorupset.,BUGABOOdefinition:animaginarysourceoffear;bugbear;bogey|Meaning,pronunciation,translationsandexamples.,somethingthatcausesfearorworry;bugbear;bogy.,2017年9月28日—insultingnameforablackperson,1909,perhapsfromjig(q.v.),whichhadbeenappliedinsultinglytopersons(regardlessofrace)sincelate ...,bugaboobug...


n. bogey. 牛津中文字典 · bugaboo · 查看更多.

Bugaboo Definition & Meaning

BUGABOO meaning: something that makes people very worried or upset.

BUGABOO definition and meaning

BUGABOO definition: an imaginary source of fear ; bugbear ; bogey | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

BUGABOO Definition & Usage Examples

something that causes fear or worry; bugbear; bogy.

Etymology of bugaboo by etymonline

2017年9月28日 — insulting name for a black person, 1909, perhaps from jig (q.v.), which had been applied insultingly to persons (regardless of race) since late ...


bugaboobug‧a‧boo ; FRIGHTENEDsomething that makes people anxious or afraid ...

Bugaboo Definition & Meaning

2023年11月12日 — The meaning of BUGABOO is an imaginary object of fear. How to use bugaboo in a sentence.

bugaboo noun

Word Originmid 18th cent.: probably of Celtic origin and related to Welsh bwci bo 'bogey, the Devil', bwci 'hobgoblin, a mischievous imp or sprite' and Cornish ...


/ˌbəgəˈbu/ · noun. an imaginary monster used to frighten children. synonyms: bogeyman, booger, boogeyman, bugbear. see moresee less. type of: monster · noun. a ...